5 Reasons To Give Your Clients a Promotional Item

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As June 30 draws closer, this date signals that we are almost at the end of another financial year. Now is the perfect opportunity to tidy up your finances, review your operations and take advantage of ways to maximise savings and spending.

Many businesses and government departments have allocated budgets that need to be used before this annual deadline, and one way to take advantage of these funds – and especially at EOFY time – is through promotional products. Promo items are a fantastic way to utilise money during tax time as, once purchased, your items can be stored and used at any time over the next several months. Buying in bulk affords better rates and significant cost savings – just think, buying in bulk in June and then giving out to new and existing clients over the next few months leading into December/Christmas time. Cost effective, client recognising and planning ahead.

So, what are some of the reasons why you would want to give both new and existing clients a promotional gift?

1. Build Loyalty By Rewarding Your Clients

A key ingredient to a business success is customer retention as retention often drives customer loyalty, which in turn feeds repeat purchases. Customer loyalty is often the result of exceptional customer service, customer satisfaction, and the overall value and quality of your goods. It measures a customer’s likeliness to do business with your brand again. If you want your consumers to feel special, a simple way to do this is by sending them a promotional gift. It not only gives you the opportunity to say thank you but it also ensures your clients have your brand front of mind.

2. Build Brand Recognition By Showing Your Logo

Your logo is often the first thing that people see, and therefore the first thing people will remember. Your company logo is a powerful statement about who you are, what you do and how you can assist your clients. It forms a strong connection with how your brand makes them feel and reflects your company’s core values and messaging. From a coffee mug, to umbrella, t-shirt or pull up banner, your logo is always front and centre and the ideal platform to highlight your brand is through the multiple opportunities a promotional gift offers.

3. Make Your Brand Stand Out

Making your brand stand out from your opposition in competitive industries and markets, requires ingenuity and creativity. Changing fashions, seasons, technology and trends offers many opportunities to be unique and help your brand stand out and stay in front of the competition. Fidget toys are a great example of creative thoughts with very real benefits as a promo item. Fidget spinners have the ability to assist kids who might struggle with anxiety and ADHD which can be then taken home for the whole family to use – with your company logo prominent, they become a great little marketing tool for your business.

4. Create a Lasting Impression

Everyone loves to receive something for free but if you’re going to give away a free gift, make it have a long-lasting impression. Branded promotional items are a perfect way to hand out and draw instant attention. Offering a product that catches attention, is unique, different and a source of value, will remain with new and existing clients longer. Practical gifts have a far longer shelf life keeping your brand front and centre in the clients’ eyes. Give some thought to the “gift” you are giving even if it is for free, make it memorable and long lasting and the original cost to purchase could come back in waves.

5. Many Options Available

Be different, make your brand standout by looking beyond what everyone else gives their clients. Coffee mugs, water bottles, pens and t shirts are common but what about USBs with a QR code link back to your website or a luggage tag tracker or what about a branded reusable food storage bag (practical use). New technology in printing processes allows for a wide range of promotional products that can be offered giving you the ability to put your logo on just about anything these days.

To learn more, visit – http://epm.mbaclient.com.au/services/promotional-products/

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