Kick Off In Style – New Financial Year Print Marketing Ideas!

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Looking to start the new financial year with some creative print marketing ideas? Here’s a few you can implement!

1. Personalised Direct Mail Campaigns

  • Greeting Cards: Send personalised greeting cards to clients and prospects, wishing them a prosperous new financial year. Include a special offer or discount coupon.
  • Custom Calendars: Create branded calendars with key dates, financial tips, or industry-specific information. This keeps your brand visible all year long.

2. Financial Year-End Reports and Infographics

  • Annual Reports: Design visually appealing annual reports highlighting your company’s achievements, financial health, and future plans.
  • Infographics: Summarize key financial data and insights in easy-to-digest infographics, which can be included in direct mail or as inserts in industry publications.

3. Branded Stationery and Office Supplies

  • Notepads and Journals: Distribute branded notepads or journals that clients can use for their financial planning.
  • Desk Calendars and Planners: Provide functional and stylish desk calendars or planners featuring your branding.

4. Postcards with Unique Offers

  • Discount Vouchers: Send postcards with time-limited discount vouchers or special offers to encourage immediate action.
  • Referral Rewards: Offer incentives for referrals through beautifully designed postcards, explaining how clients can benefit by introducing new customers.

5. Print Newsletters and Magazines

  • Monthly or Quarterly Newsletters: Create informative and visually engaging newsletters featuring financial advice, company news, and customer stories.
  • Custom Magazines: Develop a quarterly magazine focusing on industry trends, success stories, and expert insights.

6. Event Invitations and Follow-Ups

  • Invitation Cards: Design elegant invitation cards for financial seminars, workshops, or client appreciation events.
  • Follow-Up Mailers: After events, send follow-up mailers with thank you notes, event highlights, and future engagement opportunities.

7. Branded Merchandise

  • Eco-Friendly Items: Distribute branded eco-friendly items such as tote bags, reusable water bottles, or coffee mugs.
  • Office Essentials: Provide branded office essentials like pens, sticky notes, and USB drives.

8. Case Studies and Whitepapers

  • Printed Case Studies: Share printed versions of your most compelling case studies, showcasing how your services have benefited clients.
  • Whitepapers: Create in-depth whitepapers on relevant financial topics, offering valuable insights and establishing your company as a thought leader.

9. Customer Appreciation Gifts

  • Gift Baskets: Send curated gift baskets with gourmet treats, branded items, and personalised notes.
  • Loyalty Programs: Launch a printed loyalty program booklet, detailing rewards and incentives for long-term customers.

10. Interactive Print Materials

  • Scratch-Off Promotions: Design scratch-off postcards or flyers with hidden discounts or special offers.
  • QR Codes: Incorporate QR codes in your print materials that lead to exclusive online content, such as videos, special offers, or digital resources.

11. Seasonal Themes

  • New Year’s Resolutions: Align your messaging with the theme of new year’s resolutions, encouraging clients to set financial goals.
  • Holiday-Themed Mailers: Use holidays and seasonal events as themes for your print campaigns, making them more relatable and engaging.

12. Collaborative Campaigns

  • Partnership Mailers: Partner with complementary businesses for co-branded mailers, sharing marketing costs and expanding reach.
  • Community Involvement: Highlight your company’s involvement in community events or sponsorships in your print materials.

Implementing a combination of these ideas can help your company stand out, engage your audience and kick off the new financial year on a high note.

EPM Print Group, as a long term, local Queensland business and market leading print solutions agency, can assist with brand management and growth right across Australia. With our own online management portal, you can take charge of all your printing needs from the comfort of your desk or mobile phone. If your business would like to be supported by a professional, reliable, cost effective business solution, reach out to our team at

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