Why Its Critical To Check Artwork Before Approving A Print Quote

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It’s important to check for any mistakes or imperfections in the artwork as it will directly impact the final product.


Here are some essential questions and factors to consider:

Avoiding Costly Errors:

Once the print job is in production, it’s often too late to fix mistakes without incurring additional costs for reprints. Reviewing the artwork helps identify issues like typos, incorrect colours, misaligned elements, or low-resolution images.


Ensuring Brand Consistency:

The artwork must reflect your brand’s guidelines accurately, including logos, fonts, colours, and layout. A thorough check helps ensure that your branding is consistent across all printed materials.


Matching Design to Specifications:

Verifying that the artwork matches the print specifications—such as bleed lines, safe areas, and crop marks—ensures that important elements won’t get cut off during trimming or folding.


Colour Accuracy:

Colours on a computer screen often appear differently in print. Checking the artwork with a focus on colour profiles (CMYK vs. RGB) ensures the colours will be reproduced as intended.


File Quality:

Checking the file format, resolution (300 dpi or higher for most prints), and other technical aspects of the artwork ensures that it will print crisply and at the highest quality.


Legal Compliance:

If the artwork includes text or images subject to copyright or other legal restrictions, it’s important to verify permissions and licenses to avoid legal issues.


Thoroughly reviewing the artwork minimises the risk of costly errors, delays, and brand inconsistencies.


EPM Print Group, as a long term, local Queensland business and market leading print solutions agency, can assist with brand management and growth right across Australia. With our own online management portal, you can take charge of all your printing needs from the comfort of your desk or mobile phone. If your business would like to be supported by a professional, reliable, cost effective business solution, reach out to our team at sales@epmprint.com.au

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