Swing Tags: Drive Engagement, Loyalty & Awareness

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Maximizing the marketing benefits of swing tags with strategic design, content & integration into your branding.

Here are several ways a business can fully leverage swing tags as a marketing tool:

1. Highlight Key Brand Elements
  • Prominent Logo & Colours: Ensure your logo, brand colours, and fonts are prominent to strengthen brand recognition.
  • Consistent Brand Messaging: Include your tagline or a key message that resonates with your brand values. Keep it short but impactful.
2. Incorporate QR Codes
  • Link to Online Experiences: Use QR codes to direct customers to your website, product videos, social media pages, or a dedicated landing page for promotions.
  • Interactive Content: Offer exclusive content, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes footage when customers scan the tag.
3. Promotions and Discounts
  • Exclusive Offers: Include promo codes or special offers on the swing tag that customers can redeem online or in-store. This encourages customers to keep the tag and engage with your brand after the purchase.
  • Loyalty Program Invitations: Provide a link or QR code to sign up for a loyalty program or newsletter, driving repeat engagement.
4. Storytelling
  • Share Your Brand Story: Use the swing tag to tell a brief story about your brand or the product’s origin. This can create an emotional connection with your customer.
  • Sustainability and Ethical Practices: Highlight eco-friendly practices, fair trade, or the local artisans behind the product, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.
5. Engage on Social Media
  • Hashtags & Social Handles: Encourage customers to share photos of their purchase on social media by including relevant hashtags or social media handles on the swing tag.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Create a social media campaign around the product and ask customers to tag your business when sharing photos of the product in use. You can then reshare this UGC to further promote the brand.
6. Cross-Promote Other Products
  • Product Recommendations: Use swing tags to suggest complementary products or upcoming collections. Include small visuals or a short description to entice customers.
  • Bundle Promotions: Encourage multi-purchases by offering discounts on related products or collections via the swing tag.
7. Appeal to Emotions
  • Personalised Notes: Adding a handwritten or printed personalized note on the swing tag can make customers feel valued, especially for premium or artisanal products.
  • Inspirational Quotes or Messages: Including motivational quotes or positive affirmations can add a personal touch, making the experience memorable and shareable.
8. Utilise Unique Shapes and Materials
  • Stand Out with Design: Use unusual shapes, premium materials, or textures for the swing tag that reflect your product’s quality and make it visually appealing.
  • Reusability: Design the swing tag in a way that customers want to keep it (e.g., as a bookmark or keychain), extending the brand presence beyond the initial purchase.
9. Collaborations and Co-Branding
  • Promote Partnerships: If your brand has a partnership or collaboration, mention it on the swing tag to leverage the marketing power of both brands.
  • Event Promotions: Use swing tags to promote upcoming events, launches, or pop-ups, driving foot traffic or online engagement.
10. Track Customer Engagement
  • Monitor QR Code Scans: Use tools to track how many people scan the QR code on the swing tag, providing insights into customer engagement.
  • Gather Feedback: Include a link to a survey or feedback form to gather insights from your customers, helping you refine future marketing strategies.

By optimising both the visual design and content of swing tags, a business can turn them into powerful marketing tools that extend beyond mere product labels, driving customer engagement, loyalty, and brand awareness.


EPM Print Group, as a long term, local Queensland business and market leading print solutions agency, can assist with brand management and growth right across Australia. With our own online management portal, you can take charge of all your printing needs from the comfort of your desk or mobile phone. If your business would like to be supported by a professional, reliable, cost effective business solution, reach out to our team at sales@epmprint.com.au

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